International Cooperations

The Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES) is a multidisciplinary geoscience network similar to the ABC/J Geoverbund. SAGES brings together expertise in the geosciences and environmental sciences from the Universities of Aberdeen, Abertay, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, SAMS UHI, UWS and the British Geological Survey, Scotland.

International Cooperations

Geoverbund ABC/J has been collaborating with SAGES since 2016. The focus is on the development of bilateral research projects, as well as postgraduate training and exchange programmes for researchers: For example, joint student theses are funded and access to various training programmes offered by both networks is facilitated.

In addition, cooperation is intensively promoted through the International Staff Exchange Programme: Scientists from SAGES and Geoverbund ABC/J can apply for financial support for research stays of several weeks in the respective partner network.

StaFF Exchange programme 2024


The International Collaboration Scheme is designed to offer flexible funding for Geoverbund ABC/J scientists to interact with SAGES colleagues.

Funds can be requested for a contribution towards collaborative research expenses. Support can cover in-person reciprocal visits, subscriptions to collaboration tools or services, laboratory analysis of common interest, collaborative fieldwork, etc. When travel is involved, we ask applicants to try to minimise the carbon footprint as far as possible. Novel and collaborative ideas that have a clear path to opportunities for building research networks, long lasting collaborations and new funded research streams will be prioritised.

For each successful application, Geoverbund ABC/J will fund up to €1000 for their members.

Application Deadlines
Start Date & Duration
Applicants' Eligibility

Last Modified: 05.02.2024